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Mars Stain Map

Why are these flows clustered 180 degrees apart?......

Page 1 - ''Valley of the Stains (Flows) "

Page 1a - Flow Images

Page 1b - Image of converging flows

Page 2 - Flow Images

Page 2a - A Dried River Bed?

Page 2b - A Martian Lake Shasta???

Page 3 - Martian and Terran Landslides

Page 3a - Martian Gullies and Erosion

Page 4 - Stains (Flows)

Page 5 - Flow Images

Page 5a - Some Dark Flows

Page 5b - Some Really Dark Flows

Page 5c - Man Shaped Stain Valley

Page 6 - More Flows

Page 6a - White Flows

Page 7 - Birth of a Flow?

Page 8 - Flow Collage

Page 9 - Dust or Water? - Theories and Arguments

Page 10 - Other Flows Index

Page 12 - Mars Flow Map Analysis

List of Almost 400 Stains/Flows MOC Images

SPSR scientist comments on the flows of Mars.

(SPSR = Society for Planetary SETI Research)

Other Anomalies, Strange Geology or Illusions:

Page 11 - A Martian Monolith??

Page 12 - Miscellaneous Martian MOC Oddities

NEW! Palermo's Phobos Anomalies (under construction)

Book art covers for proposed Mars Book

Mars Exploration Rover Images


Web Site Directory


Mars Stain Map

Why are these flows clustered 180 degrees apart?......

Page 1 - ''Valley of the Stains (Flows) "

Page 1a - Flow Images

Page 1b - Image of converging flows

Page 2 - Flow Images

Page 2a - A Dried River Bed?

Page 2b - A Martian Lake Shasta???

Page 3 - Martian and Terran Landslides

Page 3a - Martian Gullies and Erosion

Page 4 - Stains (Flows)

Page 5 - Flow Images

Page 5a - Some Dark Flows

Page 5b - Some Really Dark Flows

Page 5c - Man Shaped Stain Valley

Page 6 - More Flows

Page 6a - White Flows

Page 7 - Birth of a Flow?

Page 8 - Flow Collage

Page 9 - Dust or Water? - Theories and Arguments

Page 10 - Other Flows Index

Page 12 - Mars Flow Map Analysis

List of Almost 400 Stains/Flows MOC Images

SPSR scientist comments on the flows of Mars.

(SPSR = Society for Planetary SETI Research)

Other Anomalies, Strange Geology or Illusions:

Page 11 - A Martian Monolith??

Page 12 - Miscellaneous Martian MOC Oddities

NEW! Palermo's Phobos Anomalies (under construction)

Book art covers for proposed Mars Book

Mars Exploration Rover Images