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'Lucid Day Dreaming,' inspired by aborigine theme as suggested by my client who commissioned it. The frame is bent wood that I made by gluing thin wood strips. The sculpted parts is ceramic bisque that I painted with oils. The aborigine have a myth about the rainbow serpent; when theres a rainbow is the serpent and at each end is water.
They also have astronomical insights that predates civilization. In the art I depicted their cosmology where Orion is chasing after the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades star cluster. Most of the stars are blue blue/white stars except for Orion's Betelgeuse, a red giant star. Another star associated with the Pleiades cluster is Atlas, in Greek mythology he was the father of the seven sisters. In the painting, Atlas is beckoning to his daughters to come to him for safety from Orion and the gecko acts as the Observer. For this piece I used the super black paint BLK 3.0 which gave it a lot of contrast. Pic of photo shoot for scale.
24" x 29" x 1 1/2" mixed media; woodwork, ceramic, oil painting and BLK 3.0.